
Friday, June 24, 2011

Who Am I To You My Friend?

Amidst in every circumstances comes a strong pillar.
A friend who is there to leap you up from falling.
A back bone to carry your misfortunes.
A sealant to close your wounded heart.

In every struggles there to comfort.
In every agony shines your way.
To calm you and strengthened your soul.
To surround with every memories of gladness.

It's difficult to find a true and lasting FRIEND.....
So treasure every moment.
Avoid ego to conquer your soul that could destroy anyone.
Cheerish each day with lasting frangrance to occupy one's mind.
Be firm and be faithful every trials to sustain every needs.

Now my Friend I wish to hold on deeply.
Don't lose your hands that could break our bond.
So till the time has come that no one can separate.
Even the wind and waves cus our love is there forever.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Loneliness Can Bring Evil Desire

Loneliness is part of life. Sometimes we tend to feel nothing and depress. We think of some remedies to feel our emptiness. We need someone to cry on. A person that could cope up our deepest longing..........
I had a friend who's life was full of mysteries. During his early age he wasted his life because of heartbreak. He stopped schooling and withered. He even tried using drugs just to forget everything. As the years goes by he realized he must find a way to support his needs. Luckily despite of lack of education he find a job but then he think it's not enough. He stopped and started a business. He wanted to survive by his own means.
In his culture most of them practiced arranged marriage. Their parents were the one who must choose which one will be their partner. But they have given privileged too to seek. Since he's busy his parents arranged a girl and got married. I don't know what's the reason why he and his wife we're not living together. For to some despite of what happened they were happy.
When his mother died last 2007 he felt the agony inside. He think he's alone. He wanted someone to be with. Yes his father was there but not so close. He even felt envy to his brother of having a child. His friends was not so supportive.
Until one day to ease his loneliness he tried chatting. He said he need someone who can understand, support and give love to him. To figure it out he committed a sin knowing he's a married guy. He tend to lie his true identity to find someone. He need a comforter in times of troubles.
People are sometimes not contented of what they have. They seek another that could sustain their needs. They forgot that someone is always there to comfort and shoulder. Some can't control their loneliness and do suicide or even becoming insane. For me it is important that we must have faith in God. We must also bare somebodies burden to lift them up.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In Every Stairs We Need To Step Up To Reach The Highest Goal

"Living righteously is not an easy thing.... There are lots of limitations. Sometimes we felt alone. We need to watch our actions all the time."
Many would say a latter-day Saints or a Mormon is unusual or a freak. Why? When many says we need to enjoy our life. We need to experienced anything whether bad or good. Many guidelines to follow.
I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when I was eight years old year 1985. My parents brought me since they joined the church June 19, 1982 together with my brother. At that time I was five so I must wait for the exact time the age of accountability at age of eight.
Yes, it's true journey towards perfection is not easy. We need to follow what is right. Keep modestly in all manners. Be a rule model to every one. I knew we're not perfect we're humans. We can face lots of challenges. According to the scriptures, "A natural man is an enemy to God." By the way what is mean by natural man? It was said our weaknesses. We need to trim down and change for the best.
But sometimes I failed to follow I could not control myself when I felt down. I may asked Him why? I even can't mellow down my temper when being mocked. I knew I am wrong and need to stay strong. Luckily my mother always there to guide and remind me. Truly the path of righteousness is stiff and crooked but the opposite side is wide and big. Satan is always there to tempt us. His always playing a trick.
My heart will burst upon seeing the wickedness of the world today. Side by side filthiness are there. Many don't believe the existence of God. There are some who pretend they believe but doing such blasphemy. I know all these things will surely come it's part of the plan. A test of our worthiness to Him. If we live right we surely set free. I am thankful despite of everything I am aware.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Living Righteously Can Make Us Healthy

A saying goes "an apple a day makes a doctor away."
When I was a kid I hate eating vegetables and drink milk. I love to eat meat. I was fat then but weak. I even didn't know how to run, climb the stairs and tress, walked in a rocky and muddy roads and couldn't cross a log of tree in other words I had no balance. My mom even created a viand so that I could eat vegetables.
Latest trends, lifestyle, habits and way of living are some of the examples wherein diseases developed. Today is today we are fun of eating delicious foods. Especially to our latest generation they hate vegetables. As shown in a commercial mothers need to run after their kids just to feed the proper nutrition. Teens are used to hang out overnight in a bar. They would say it's for enjoyment to ease tensions. We never think we are now abusing our body.

Some Examples of Degenerative Diseases

I got this from the net as I go beyond wandering what happen to us now. Our life span is absolutely decreasing before they would reach at the age beyond hundreds but now lucky to reach 60. Actually I kept of thinking why some would say this thing is bad and the others would say good? Anyway we're blessed to have knowledge so we must use wisely.
My father died at the age of sixty due to some complications. When he was young he used to smoke and even consumed pockets of cigarettes. He's also a drunkard. My mom would always advised him to stop. She bought books to let him read. Luckily when we changed our religion and learned what is true he immediately changed. But the fact the necotine was already inside his body. Every time I can meet smokers I felt sad and even tried to stop them.
Upon observing and learning from my college years the most common cause of deadly illnesses are the foods we take in. We're now used to eat processed foods during rush hours and delicious too to the taste. It contains substances that are carcinogenic or can cause cancer. Our rice, fruits, vegetables and meats now contain too. Producers now only think of their gain not for the health. They added some substances that can trigger diseases.
I'm sorry to the producers and the manufacturers for what I said but I want to air my side.
We are the only one can stop this by following what is right. If we love our body then we must avoid. Life is a free gift so live it right.

Monday, June 6, 2011

If We Are Prepare We Shall Not Fear

"You already know the world seems to have plunged into chaos. But if you’ve been paying attention to what the prophet has been saying, you know President Gordon B. Hinckley doesn’t want you to be fearful. He only wants you to be faithful, hopeful, and prepared."

Everywhere in the world now we can hear rumors of wars. To think about the root of all is power. Many aspire to become the leader to rule over, get rich, powerful and popular. They want many dominions not to think many suffer from poverty. Even they forgot the creator of all things. They mocked and did all kinds of murders.
Lots of tumultuous and rumors of wars because many rebelled. They want justice and rights for their family. Some wondered how to survive? We all knew because of these our economy go slow. Many lost their jobs and attempt to do suicide for they don't know what to do. Establishments were close. Many deadly illnesses arises.
Sometimes I felt down and insecure for up to now I am still depending on my mother's welfare. If only I am strong maybe I can have a good job. Life is not easy. The world is full of wickedness. We need faith and courage to combat everything.
In the scriptures stated if we are prepared we should not fear. It's part of life to test our truthfulness to Him. Beside it also happened before. If we are mindful we should not fear but instead courageous because we are prepare.