Revelation is communication from God to His children. This guidance comes through various channels according to the needs and circumstances of individuals, families, and the Church as a whole. When the Lord reveals His will to the Church, He speaks through His prophet.Prophets are the only people who can receive revelation for the Church, but they are not the only people who can receive revelation. According to our faithfulness, we can receive revelation to help us with our specific personal needs, responsibilities, and questions and to help us strengthen our testimony.
I was five years old when missionaries came to our door. My mother hesitant to accept them because all what in her mind, " the religion she belong when she was born will remain until death." It was my father who was willing to listen. Luckily the missionaries have the faith and perseverance to continue and even said, "there will come a time Sister Sadana will accept the gospel and be baptized to the true church together with her husband.
Every time the missionaries will come my mother have lots of excuses and even escaped by going to the house of my grandmother. She said it's a waste of time to entertain them especially she have things to do. It was the spirit of the Lord who worked because I and my brother whenever we couldn't see the missionaries we felt sad.
In order for us to calm down she brought us to them. Before missionaries were allowed to visit by members in their apartment.
February 12, 1982 she dreamed of Jesus Christ wore white rob with red sash welcoming her to come to His fold. The next month she dreamed again sitting on a clouds dress in maroon rob shedding blood on her fontanel. She felt uneasy and dirty. She never recognized that she was been washed off her sins.
The third time it was in the doorstep towards the sacrament hall Jesus did shake her hands and couldn't explain the whiteness and design of the cloth that wrapped into His body. It was that time Jesus showed clearly His face, nose and chin.
Fourth, she saw the brightness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ floating in the sky. They stood in front of her and testified that Jesus Christ is His begotten Son in whom I am well please. He turned around leaving alone Jesus Christ stood in front of her.
The revelations she received guide her to accept the truthfulness of the gospel that no matter what even trials, tribulations, persecutions and challenges she will remain active in the church. My parents was baptized June 19, 1982 and after now we remain active but sad to say when my father died my only brother been inactive he couldn't resist the challenges. I know God is good and loves us. Someday he will realized and go back to where he belong.
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