Mosiah 7:30 " And again, he saith: if my people shall show filthiness they shall reap the chaff therefore in the whirlwind; and the effect is poison."
I could imagine myself walking alone with no direction. Without any guidance. No family.....friends to support. What will it be?
Summarizing the events I could say this is it? All what the prophets of old foretold is true. Many relied on their wisdom. Forsake the truth and worst denied the divinity of God. Fear and anger even develop. Sometimes said giving up and be on my own. Why this happened? He gave us everything but still we're not contented. Recapping almost of the blogs I created full of heartaches and frustrations. It is one way I could express my heartfelt sorrows.
If we live right we can reap happiness but if not we surely gone astray. Full of darkness abound ahead. "Narrow is the road towards perfection but if we have faith and patience long lasting happiness will follow." "Broad and spacious but in the end everlasting torment." Which of this we choose?
I know God is there. He is alive and always hears our cry. No one can ignore Him because without Him we are nothing. He loves us and knew what best for us.
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