“What is the root cause of having a broken family? Why do we need to marry when the result is nothing? Why do we need to sacrifice just to fulfill our obligations?”
These were some questions I used to ponder. Yes I knew the reason but due to what I observed since I was a young kid it turned out that I developed a “FEAR”.
I always remember what my Ate Marites told me, “not just a missionary but a true Latter-day Saint guy”. In the church we are always reminded that family is eternal. It is the most important in the plan of God. We must be one to obtain eternal happiness. If only I can escape I will follow my own will.
Yes, as what I am doing now exposed to different kinds of guy. But since I have the doubt and fear so no one wins my heart. Beside it’s difficult to trust especially we only communicate by the use of computers. It needs a thorough observations and most of all guidance from God.
Love, can change everything. If you have it you learned to sacrifice. Whether in bad and good times the bonding will not break. You learned to subdued trials and persecutions. It is not easy but if we center our lives to God everything will be order.
One time I asked one of my cousin, why it is she accepted her husband when later on find another one? Did she love that guy? She replied, at first the guy showed good behavior. As if she’s the queen. Gave her everything until one day she noticed that was only a trick. They were many in the line. Nothing gonna do but to accept.
Of today’s generation many are aggressive. They follow what they felt not finding it’s real or not. They disobeyed the elders to follow their desires. Worst is many got suicide because they can’t handle their situation. Self-control is a must to avoid misfortune. To commit success we need to be obedient. I know marriage is essential but to the right person, to the right time and direction.
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