Faith "is the substance (assurance) of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen". It takes courage for you to achieve. Unluckily sometimes felt weak and even lose my faith.
I could still recall when I chose a degree in which for me it's not essential. It's degrading it's not popular compared to other paramedical courses in college. But since I have no other choice so I did. Never think before that it needs patience, effort and of most all faith.
I struggled a lot because at my capacity of having a brain defect. Even thought I couldn't make it. But I said to myself I must do it anyway it's for my own good to serve people. Lack of sleep I need to study my lessons to aim high. Prayer indeed is the best answer despite of getting only a passing grade. At times I need to cope up everything because I feared to fail. I want to finish and serve.
Until the day came when I entered my internship period. In this we need to learn how to handle patients. It is our duty to save lives. First few months I always trembled every time I do venipuncture. Afraid I couldn't successfully hit the veins in order to collect specimens to be examine. Careful movements is essential to obtain precise result. Life is at risks if commit mistakes. Aside we need to tackle every waste material to process and examine of any abnormality. Felt dizzy focusing on a microscope. It's challenging but worth it when you did right.
Even sleepless night just to do responsibilities. Service is fulfilling once you done it with your heart. If we have the endurance we simply say "ALL IS WELL".
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