
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Contagious Stamina

Escherichia coli is the most predominant and one of the common bacteria that causes lots of diseases. It lodge in the large intestine that aids in digestion. It is opportunistic that once disturb trigger destruction. In recent studies many serotypes found much dangerous and it attacks to people whose immune system are weak.

Like a baby he is innocent, delicate and meek. Every one loves to cuddle and play. They give comfort during troubles. He don't know anything and needs guidance. Parents must nurture them with gladness. As the years goes on time change. No longer a baby but a grown up one. Surrounded with peers with different attitudes.

In the scripture saith, "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Attitudes matters most. It is the parents responsible to mold a child. It is true especially the mother. She's the first teacher. Indeed she guides us in every steps but sometimes we can't blame. Each individual have own character no matter how they are discipline. Like the bacteria I mentioned above once manipulated ends destruction.

Environmental status influences one's character. It is rampant in our society. Many were affected and live miserably. High-technology connects our future. It help us improve but too much causes individual fall down. Success is what we want to gain wealth. Everyday we long for it.

Aspects includes physical, spiritual, emotional and financial. For me it's important it helps combat against temptation. It reminds us that we shall lean ourselves on God. In everything we need Him. We are priceless if we stayed weak. Faith and constant prayer is essential.

My Parents' Conversion

Revelation is communication from God to His children. This guidance comes through various channels according to the needs and circumstances of individuals, families, and the Church as a whole. When the Lord reveals His will to the Church, He speaks through His prophet.Prophets are the only people who can receive revelation for the Church, but they are not the only people who can receive revelation. According to our faithfulness, we can receive revelation to help us with our specific personal needs, responsibilities, and questions and to help us strengthen our testimony.

I was five years old when missionaries came to our door. My mother hesitant to accept them because all what in her mind, " the religion she belong when she was born will remain until death." It was my father who was willing to listen. Luckily the missionaries have the faith and perseverance to continue and even said, "there will come a time Sister Sadana will accept the gospel and be baptized to the true church together with her husband.
Every time the missionaries will come my mother have lots of excuses and even escaped by going to the house of my grandmother. She said it's a waste of time to entertain them especially she have things to do. It was the spirit of the Lord who worked because I and my brother whenever we couldn't see the missionaries we felt sad.
In order for us to calm down she brought us to them. Before missionaries were allowed to visit by members in their apartment.
February 12, 1982 she dreamed of Jesus Christ wore white rob with red sash welcoming her to come to His fold. The next month she dreamed again sitting on a clouds dress in maroon rob shedding blood on her fontanel. She felt uneasy and dirty. She never recognized that she was been washed off her sins.
The third time it was in the doorstep towards the sacrament hall Jesus did shake her hands and couldn't explain the whiteness and design of the cloth that wrapped into His body. It was that time Jesus showed clearly His face, nose and chin.
Fourth, she saw the brightness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ floating in the sky. They stood in front of her and testified that Jesus Christ is His begotten Son in whom I am well please. He turned around leaving alone Jesus Christ stood in front of her.
The revelations she received guide her to accept the truthfulness of the gospel that no matter what even trials, tribulations, persecutions and challenges she will remain active in the church. My parents was baptized June 19, 1982 and after now we remain active but sad to say when my father died my only brother been inactive he couldn't resist the challenges. I know God is good and loves us. Someday he will realized and go back to where he belong.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Filthiness Never Be Happiness

Mosiah 7:30 " And again, he saith: if my people shall show filthiness they shall reap the chaff therefore in the whirlwind; and the effect is poison."

I could imagine myself walking alone with no direction. Without any guidance. No family.....friends to support. What will it be?

Summarizing the events I could say this is it? All what the prophets of old foretold is true. Many relied on their wisdom. Forsake the truth and worst denied the divinity of God. Fear and anger even develop. Sometimes said giving up and be on my own. Why this happened? He gave us everything but still we're not contented. Recapping almost of the blogs I created full of heartaches and frustrations. It is one way I could express my heartfelt sorrows.

If we live right we can reap happiness but if not we surely gone astray. Full of darkness abound ahead. "Narrow is the road towards perfection but if we have faith and patience long lasting happiness will follow." "Broad and spacious but in the end everlasting torment." Which of this we choose?

I know God is there. He is alive and always hears our cry. No one can ignore Him because without Him we are nothing. He loves us and knew what best for us.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Family Dignity Is A Must:

“What is the root cause of having a broken family? Why do we need to marry when the result is nothing? Why do we need to sacrifice just to fulfill our obligations?”

These were some questions I used to ponder. Yes I knew the reason but due to what I observed since I was a young kid it turned out that I developed a “FEAR”.

Our society now is devastating full of malicious stories. Many having concubines for fun. They are not contented of one but many. Seeking of worldly treasures don’t have time for their family. One thing technology drove us of doing foolishness. Such as online programs like dating sites. Pornography too is included. If only we are God-fearing these couldn’t happen.

I always remember what my Ate Marites told me, “not just a missionary but a true Latter-day Saint guy”. In the church we are always reminded that family is eternal. It is the most important in the plan of God. We must be one to obtain eternal happiness. If only I can escape I will follow my own will.

Yes, as what I am doing now exposed to different kinds of guy. But since I have the doubt and fear so no one wins my heart. Beside it’s difficult to trust especially we only communicate by the use of computers. It needs a thorough observations and most of all guidance from God.

Love, can change everything. If you have it you learned to sacrifice. Whether in bad and good times the bonding will not break. You learned to subdued trials and persecutions. It is not easy but if we center our lives to God everything will be order.

One time I asked one of my cousin, why it is she accepted her husband when later on find another one? Did she love that guy? She replied, at first the guy showed good behavior. As if she’s the queen. Gave her everything until one day she noticed that was only a trick. They were many in the line. Nothing gonna do but to accept.

Of today’s generation many are aggressive. They follow what they felt not finding it’s real or not. They disobeyed the elders to follow their desires. Worst is many got suicide because they can’t handle their situation. Self-control is a must to avoid misfortune. To commit success we need to be obedient. I know marriage is essential but to the right person, to the right time and direction.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Faith Endure

Faith "is the substance (assurance) of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen". It takes courage for you to achieve. Unluckily sometimes felt weak and even lose my faith.

I could still recall when I chose a degree in which for me it's not essential. It's degrading it's not popular compared to other paramedical courses in college. But since I have no other choice so I did. Never think before that it needs patience, effort and of most all faith.

I struggled a lot because at my capacity of having a brain defect. Even thought I couldn't make it. But I said to myself I must do it anyway it's for my own good to serve people. Lack of sleep I need to study my lessons to aim high. Prayer indeed is the best answer despite of getting only a passing grade. At times I need to cope up everything because I feared to fail. I want to finish and serve.

Until the day came when I entered my internship period. In this we need to learn how to handle patients. It is our duty to save lives. First few months I always trembled every time I do venipuncture. Afraid I couldn't successfully hit the veins in order to collect specimens to be examine. Careful movements is essential to obtain precise result. Life is at risks if commit mistakes. Aside we need to tackle every waste material to process and examine of any abnormality. Felt dizzy focusing on a microscope. It's challenging but worth it when you did right.

Even sleepless night just to do responsibilities. Service is fulfilling once you done it with your heart. If we have the endurance we simply say "ALL IS WELL".

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Unexpected Memoirs

Living simply was my aim. Yes I have ambitions to achieve because for me it is worth it. Wants to pursue my promises I made after my surgery. Reach out through service was my biggest dream but turned out nothing. I felt disastrous, selfless and useless. I became sensitive that I used to cry alone. Even think of ending my life.

I knew it's wrong....God is the owner of our life and as long we are alive there are chances. Maybe it's not meant for me. There are things intended. I struggled for quiet sometimes questioning our creator. Why this happening to me? Why He gave me another more years when I am nothing. I even said if only I did not manifest my deformities before maybe nothing will change. Grateful to my mother who never give up she's always supporting me.

One of my plan before was to spread the good news or the gospel. To people who need to know about God.

Service is a great worth. It is a fulfilling job. You need patience, talents and most all love. Communication is one thing we can give service to our fellow beings. But sometimes we miss it. One thing I learned is to have a deeper understanding because each of us have different behavior.

Upon helping one of my friend my life changed a lot. Now I guessed it's so complicated. Yes, it's normal there are positive and negative results. I met different kinds of people of different countries. Lately I noticed I did it I already serving a mission. Imparting to them the truth. Well it's true it's difficult. Lots of challenges I faced. I even cried a loud because I don't want them to suffer.

At least out of this I gained extra knowledge and learned extra skills. I gained people who were supportive to us despite of races. But I don't know what's in me. Challenges.....yes I am a type who don't like guys who are aggressive. Since before I always evaded to mingle them. It's wrong in God's law. We are made equal. We have the duty to guide them.

A lad maybe we knew each other before we came here on earth. I kept on thinking what's in me? Despite of troubles and even ignored him in my list still he keeps on going back. I shed many tears. I don't know? Maybe he's one of my mission here to uplift and bring up towards perfection. Before I didn't mind those type but now I learned. Every time I look around the world my heart grieve. I even decided to quit to free from hassle but I was stopped because I knew they need me. I knew God is there. He will help me. Indeed I could conclude life is full of mysteries.