Being a daughter of God we have some responsibilities to fulfill. We need to reach out. As a Latter-day Saints we have three fold missions. These are: a. Proclaiming the gospel b. Perfecting the saints and c. Redeeming the dead.
In the scriptures stated, “behold, the world is ripening in iniquity; and it must needs be that the children of men are stirred up unto repentance, both the Gentiles and also the house of Israel.” This is the time for us to prepare to meet God. We need to spread the truth to all men.
I knew it is very hard to do because me too have some weaknesses. When I was a kid I dreamt of serving a mission. I want to go in an area where the gospel is obsolete. Taking risk doesn’t matter as long I can serve the Lord. Sad to say I failed.
Knowing serving Him can be in any ways. Mind changed because I think my health can ridiculed everything. It could be a hassle to anybody if I pursued. Deciding to take another risks but as usual failed. Until such time I decided to quit.
Upon learning another knowledge I did noticed I am in. I am facing different kinds of people whom I don’t know personally. Just by modernization we communicate. It is true it’s so difficult. Preaching the truth takes time, effort, knowledge and above all faith to our Heavenly Father.
I admit I am weak I want to quit. Not only once I decided but several times. I have given my time, effort, strength and knowledge just to feed in what is right. I have been honest unto them but still nothing happened. I almost burst my heart with deep sorrows. Yeah I know maybe not now but someday. Hoping it’s not too late for them to realize because I don’t want them to suffer everlasting torment.
I knew God is great and good. He is a just God. He treated us equally. He wants to be with Him someday. He wanted us to be like Him that’s why we are here on earth. We have given freedom to act on ourselves. But as we go beyond many of us yield into temptation. Forgetting what is right as long they enjoy.
Even they did not noticed why many tremors were happening. In fact we are the root cause of it. Relying on man’s wisdom is somehow happening due to the knowledge we had. So grievous to know the truth. I have to move on and continue what I started because I knew the time is at hand.
Missionary work is essential to us. So we may know what is right. Our mind will be nourished with good hope. Our well-being will be dignified. It is the only way wherein we can bring souls unto righteousness.
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