"My body is a temple that needs a greatest care it must be clean and wholesome my body strong and clean." This is one of my childhood song I used to sing even up to now.
One of the best gift we received from God is our body. As we knew He is perfect and He love us so much. It is where our spirit live. Both are essential to us. We are oblige to take care our body.
As we can see our life span now is getting younger unlike before people could reach hundreds. It is due to number one is our lifestyle and the food we take. We are prone to pollutions due to latest technology. Yes, it's true we are improving but our life is decreasing. Shocking to know what a terrible happenings.
For us to avoid these there are things to follow:
- Wine and strong drinks, meaning those drinks contain alcohol- many will say our body needs alcohol as a lubricant especially those who are always exposed to dust. In any advertisement noted "Drink Moderately." All these things are wrong because it can bring to cruelty as what we noticed many crimes happened. Poverty due to lack of budget. To the point many children cannot be send to school. To be able to survive they engage in dishonesty like stealing, selling their bodies and other malicious conduct. It can also lead to deadly disease like cancers. Cancer is not curable. It can destroy the minds of many youth or even their future.
As I could recall one of the question asked during Medical or Paramedical Licensure Examination was:
What is the most common drug of abuse? Do you know what it is? Before I don't know but as one of my instructor said during our review prior to the exam told us the answer. It's Alcohol, why? It is the common people take in.
- Tobacco smoking, tobacco is a good medicine according to some but as an external use only. It contains nicotine that can burn our lungs or even our throat. Like wine it can cause cancer. It can make our face looks older. Like my dad when he was young he's a change smoker the result he died at an early age due to complications. It's not only the smoker be affected but also the one who can smell the smoke. Even our children will be affected especially those pregnant women who are smokers there is a great possibility their unborn babies may develop some deformities or illnesses that could threaten their lives.
- Strong drinks or hot drinks. What is this? Is this drinking any hot drinks like coffee, chocolate or milk? Yes, it is not good to drink while it is still hot it can harm our tongue or mouth. But what I mean these are the coffee and tea. Coffee contains caffeine. As we all know Caffeine is a kind of drug of abuse. It can make our heart beats faster to the point our hearts will collapsed. Death is the end point. It can make us feeling nervous all the time. Yes, many will say it is anti-aging it can make us looks younger and beautiful but it can shorten our life. Tea, same as coffee it is anti-aging. It can help us become slim because it burn fats. Makes our skin glow and silky. But it can destroy our intestine and lead to some illnesses. Both coffee and tea are good but as an external use.
- Drugs of Abuse, Of course from the word itself. But why there are people used this? They said it can help removed their aches or forget all problems and troubles. It can make them happy. Not knowingly like wine it is only temporary once the effect is gone they can again remember their problems. These things are rampant now a days many youths are victims. They exchange their good future for these. Many suffer most especially the young ones. What a shocking world due to these elements many suffer and many are lead to unrighteous behavior. I hope our leaders now may awake and do their job. " Our youth is the our future but what happened now?
- A saying "early to bed early to rise makes our body healthy, mind wise and alert." Yes, it's true if you have enough sleep we can feel always happy, healthy and wise to focus on what things we must going to do for us to become successful. Free from illnesses that can increase tention due to lack of budget.
These are some of the things we must follow to have healthy, happy and wealthy life.
If we keep these our life will be fruitful.
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