It's alarming that many of us gone astray. Perverting things to make sense. Notwithstanding the effect just to go beyond limits. I don't know what to really feel. As far I knew it's disgusting. We forgot what our creator done for us. We are always reminded but denied the truth.
I am still a kid when I experienced a quite strong earthquake. I could feel the fear seeing everything were moving. I knew it's part of life. As according to science it is a natural movement of earth's surfaces especially once a volcano erupt. In common sense once there's heat inside it must be blown to ease up the pain.
This morning while watching a television I opened a topic to my mom. When again I couldn't control my tone of my voice as if we're arguing. She then speak up telling me to calm down. Let peace showered my mind. She told me to shout and opened everything I felt to ease my sadness.
Ever since before I couldn't control the sadness or even depression. I tend to cry aloud alone or in front of anybody. I am so proud of my mom because she's always there to comfort. I admit one reason was my failure of obtaining my aspirations. But as the days went by all what I observed in our society added. Every time I could see people indulge in mockery my heart will shout in anger. Or even when I turned on the computer to see videos or chatting to different beings. It seems they forgot what is the law. Allowing evil ways to post through.
Last 6 of February 2012 another tragedy happened when a 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit the city I live. That time I was just finished washing my garments when it attacked. Knowing also my mom was in the other house. I knew God protects us. Nothing had happened to us. For all we knew in the news many died or buried alive. Many properties were lost and up to now those live victims still struggling. What a traumatic incident last year many lives were lost due to heavy storm. Not yet recovered another calamity came.
To think of it's a warning to all of us. We must think of what have we done. Many relied on worldly creations because for them it's satisfying. Never thought of the future. We are blessed He gave us what we want but most of us don't have gratitude. It's a time for us to forsake the negative vibes to rescue our soul. I knew I have to move on. The time is nigh at hand for "The Second Coming of Christ." We must repent and be back to him.
“Wherefore, if ye have sought to do wickedly in the days of your probation, then ye are found unclean before the judgment-seat of God; and no unclean thing can dwell with God; wherefore, ye must be cast off forever” (1 Ne. 10:21).
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