Family is the most important thing we can have. It is the most essential in a society. There we build our identity. Where we belong to feel the sense of being accepted. But it’s not only by blood as long there is deeper understanding a family exist.
Comparing to a tree there is a root to produce branches. When it grow brings good fruits.
“A saying goes we can’t attain success if we forget where we came from.” To learn and understand we should familiarize people around or even dig up whatever information.
Within our family clan I and my brother were close only to my mother’s side unlike to my father’s side. We even decided to changed our Surname because we want peace free from contentions. Since we’re young we never felt that we’re welcome to them. There’s always grievances among siblings. What’s in their mind is wealth and pleasure. They took for granted the hardships of their fore parents.
Since my farther was the only who hold positions as a Policeman our relatives used him to fulfill what they want until to the point his family suffered. I could say he’s a good man. He served the people with respect. Despite of his hectic schedule he managed to be active in the church. He magnified his calling even lack of sleep. But in our family status opposite happened. He failed to be a good husband, provider and a father. Probably I can’t condemned him because he too suffered he never been accepted by his own family.
Well even my father have failures at least by simple way he showed his love to his children. I was once decided not to mingle guys or shall we say I developed a phobia. What’s in my mind I don’t want to happen what my mom had. That time every now and then I saw her crying and almost felt hopeless. I felt the sorrow within. It was me who always remind my father to change. Have pity on my mom or else we will leave him alone.
Year 2001 when he decided to leave them including his properties and live with us in another city. There we live simply free from disturbance. It’s his time to leave and no longer sustain. Last July 8, 2005 he died to some complications. I never think that his Surname which destroyed our family relationship before could help us know our origin.
Either a coincidence or should be. Someone from another country saw my picture. At first I didn’t believe him all I knew our descendants were Filipino-Spanish. My mom got interested to search more. Beside in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints where we belong we’re always encourage to search our root or a genealogy. Through the help of the internet we come up it was an Indian origin. It was amazing to know who are you and where you cam from? A time for me to accept the reality because these kind of people I didn’t like to be with. How marvelous is our Heavenly Father He make a way for me to lend back on where I cam from. Up to this moment I am still searching more. Dealing with social network there is a greater disadvantages because of lifestyle. But it my case it helped me find my root.
It’s not easy to locate but it’s worth it. It gives us joy knowing them. It takes hard work, patience and inner empathy to fulfill one our greatest job. It serves also a gift to our future generations. We can also show our love for me.
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