Each country have traditions. Every year people are busy preparing for different presentations. Several kinds of foods are serve. Different races gather together to commemorate each beliefs. Despite of poverty many strive to have money for the event. Many feel excited to see different shows.
Many will say it's a promise to pay tribute to the patron Saints who save the land. No matter what happened the event must go on. Wither rainy or sunny many would take risks just to fulfill their promises and thinking they will be blessed.
According to history it was the Spaniards who introduced. Since many were under control many inherited their beliefs until now it is still practice. But it came to my mind if we really respect God why we worship idols? When we knew He is alive. Why we neglect to follow His commandments? We always said we love and honor Him. But look, what happened to us we choose and follow the trend of the world? We divert what is right? We seek riches rather than eternity.
It was written in the Holy Bible," Thou shalt love thy God with all thy heart, mind, might and strength. We can recall what happened to the Israelites in the times of Moses. Out of loneliness, they set aside the things they've learned. They made a golden calf and rejoice. Upon seeing Moses burst to disappointment and broke the tablet which contained the Ten Commandments.
Many people mourned due to misery. Even they end up doing suicide. Cannot accept misfortune. Blaming the creator of their tragedy. God is merciful. He gave us wisdom but we used it in a negative way.
Every time I looked around It made me sad. Many are blinded of their foolish traditions. Pretending to be righteous but it's not. Perverting what is right just to have fun. I used to complained and became a critic. If we really love God we must do what right. I knew it's wrong because it can lead contentions. I was advice then to calm down. Anyway we have the freedom. If we used wisely we can have happiness but if not torment. Indeed It's part it is one way we are test how firm is our foundation.
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