Each of us are peculiar. We came from one God who created everything for our benefit. We are blessed with talents to exercise. We lived in a vast universe full of mysteries to discover.
What is the meaning of Life? To some as long we are alive we must enjoy with no limits. If we are eager to know more then we can understand.
In the scriptures particularly in the book of Genesis, Heavenly Father is perfect. He wanted us to be like Him. He sent His begotten son Jesus Christ to be our Savoir and Redeemer. His purpose must be fulfilled. In order for us be like Him we must passed through several challenges. Sometimes we think it is punishment. We feel desperate to the point we ignore His council. Disobeying Him is the biggest mistakes. Overwhelmed with worldly things.
There came into my mind I must quit. If only I have a choice but I must move on. Even thought Heavenly Father took my life at an early age. I don't want to see the blasphemous happenings. I kept on wandering why many engaged in foolishness. I need thorough tolerance to handle. Needs to overcome weaknesses to serve as a model amidst darkness.