As what stated in Lehi's dream many people fall down to the depth of filthy water because they were carried out from the pressure of the world. What happened in the scriptures are now happening. Many ignore what is true for the sake of fun and satisfaction. Everywhere lust not love. They said they need it to cope up sadness.
The scripture says, "the power to have children is very sacred. Our Father in Heaven has given us a law that tells us how to use this power. This law is called the law of chastity. It says we should have sexual relations only with the person to whom we are legally married. This means we must not have sexual relations before we are married, and after we are married we should have sexual relations only with our husband or wife."
"Satan uses clever ways to persuade us to break this law. He tries to make us think that letting others see and touch our bodies is acceptable. Satan wants us to think bad thoughts. He urges us to look at pictures, movies, and dances that tempt us to be unchaste. He also urges us to take part in dances and to listen to stories, jokes, and music that tempt us to unchastity. Satan wants us to do these things so our bodies will not seem sacred and so we will use the power to have children in the wrong way.
Satan wants to stop us from returning to our Father in Heaven. Satan wants us to break the law of chastity. He wants us to think the power to have children is not sacred. He wants us to think breaking the law of chastity is not a sin."
Our body is precious a free gift from God. He said we will protect and care against harmful substances. We need to be strong to battle against temptations. Yes it is true since we're not perfect we can go beyond but as long we lend ourselves on what is right we can avoid.
Beside there are solutions. One way is be vigilant and be acquainted of what are Satan's tactics. We knew he's there to make us miserable. He also knew our weaknesses. Be prayerful to receive guidance. Be submissive by obeying all His laws.
As what we always said "journey towards perfection is so difficult" but as long we have the love and faith to our creator we can do it. We have given the privilege to be like Him a perfect being.
Honestly I felt the sadness now and as if my heart will burst into pieces of what I observed. Yes, I admit I am not perfect but I am trying. How much more Heavenly Father seeing His children moving backward.
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