"You already know the world seems to have plunged into chaos. But if you’ve been paying attention to what the prophet has been saying, you know President Gordon B. Hinckley doesn’t want you to be fearful. He only wants you to be faithful, hopeful, and prepared."
Everywhere in the world now we can hear rumors of wars. To think about the root of all is power. Many aspire to become the leader to rule over, get rich, powerful and popular. They want many dominions not to think many suffer from poverty. Even they forgot the creator of all things. They mocked and did all kinds of murders.
Lots of tumultuous and rumors of wars because many rebelled. They want justice and rights for their family. Some wondered how to survive? We all knew because of these our economy go slow. Many lost their jobs and attempt to do suicide for they don't know what to do. Establishments were close. Many deadly illnesses arises.
Sometimes I felt down and insecure for up to now I am still depending on my mother's welfare. If only I am strong maybe I can have a good job. Life is not easy. The world is full of wickedness. We need faith and courage to combat everything.
In the scriptures stated if we are prepared we should not fear. It's part of life to test our truthfulness to Him. Beside it also happened before. If we are mindful we should not fear but instead courageous because we are prepare.
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