Many would say a latter-day Saints or a Mormon is unusual or a freak. Why? When many says we need to enjoy our life. We need to experienced anything whether bad or good. Many guidelines to follow.
I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when I was eight years old year 1985. My parents brought me since they joined the church June 19, 1982 together with my brother. At that time I was five so I must wait for the exact time the age of accountability at age of eight.
Yes, it's true journey towards perfection is not easy. We need to follow what is right. Keep modestly in all manners. Be a rule model to every one. I knew we're not perfect we're humans. We can face lots of challenges. According to the scriptures, "A natural man is an enemy to God." By the way what is mean by natural man? It was said our weaknesses. We need to trim down and change for the best.
But sometimes I failed to follow I could not control myself when I felt down. I may asked Him why? I even can't mellow down my temper when being mocked. I knew I am wrong and need to stay strong. Luckily my mother always there to guide and remind me. Truly the path of righteousness is stiff and crooked but the opposite side is wide and big. Satan is always there to tempt us. His always playing a trick.
My heart will burst upon seeing the wickedness of the world today. Side by side filthiness are there. Many don't believe the existence of God. There are some who pretend they believe but doing such blasphemy. I know all these things will surely come it's part of the plan. A test of our worthiness to Him. If we live right we surely set free. I am thankful despite of everything I am aware.
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