For me it was not a dreamed a warning for me.
I can compared this in the scripture in Lehi's dream and it is found in 1 Nephi 8:13.
"And as I cast my eyes round about, that perhaps I might discover my family also, I behold a river of water; and it ran along, and it was near the tree of which I was partaking the fruit."
Last Thursday morning I felt want to wake up because it's almost 7 o'clock in the morning. Feeling tired so instead of having my morning prayer I lied down and closed my eyes. Just then I saw I was there sitting in a bench tying my shoe lace. All of the sudden when I looked back I saw a creek and it was clean and very deep. Knowing myself I am afraid to saw a creek because I knew it was dirty. Lots of waste materials were there. I move my eyes to different direction to avoid.
It is a test for me how strong I am in facing challenges that comes into my life. A warning to acknowledge. To hold on what is right. Never be discourage and be positive.
As I move forward I noticed I was encircled by a huge creek. To control my fear I lied down and close my eyes. Within my mind no matter what I must resist temptations. I knew God loves me. Since our world now is full of wickedness and I liken it to a creek. I was warned not to fall down to remain steadfast. I must combat every evil forces that will try me.
Like Lehi He choose to follow the Lord. Despite of challenges remain obedient. I knew I am weak but I must do what's best for me to gain true happiness.
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