Heart, the most vital organ it is situated midline part of the body. It is composed of valve, arteries in which our blood flow. Once it is defected our life will be at risk.
The first organ developed by the process of mieosis of a sexual reproduction. Non-stop beating to sustain life.
There is always a saying in making decision there's always a heart and brain. Why both the two stands together? Yes, the heart was the first developed but without the brain all things will be useless. Because it's the brain who signal the heart via the pituitary gland. Like in the case of a coma patient his heart still beating but the brain's ability stop.
Choosing between the two sometimes difficult. Normally we choose only one to the point we never know what rewards will take.
To some they take the heart because they feel enjoy but to some the brain for them to gain wealth.
Due to poverty, crisis and misfortune we are now facing we intend to choose the wrong. We never had much time to decide on what is right. If it's a trend we joined even it's wrong just for our satisfaction. Eat, drink and be merry is the most popular concept.
Actually we are blessed we have given everything. It is our obligation now what to do. Living righteously is not easy especially to our modern world. In this case it is where both the heart and brain works together. Yes, I admit sometimes it is difficult especially in falling for someone. You tend to ignore the advices of your parents. You think that you're correct specifically to the adult one.
In everyday we need both. The brain is the one to think and heart to feel. If we are mindful both are needed to show the right way to go. But above all there's someone above who guide us in every footsteps.
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