Once we heard the word "Death" we feel sad or afraid.
Every moment when someone passed away our hearts grief and pain.
Living on earth is just temporary. We knew it.
To everyone it is the most lonely part when our dearest one die.
Many people says death is the end.
But actually it's the beginning of our next journey.
God love us all that he sent Jesus Christ to atone of our sins.
By Him we were given the opportunity to be resurrected.
Yes, it's normal to feel the pain but if we understand we feel the joy.
As long we are true to Him we can gain true happiness.
For we knew that someday we can see each other again.
Now is the time wherein we must prepare.
Cus death is like a thief we may not know when it will come.
If we are prepare we may not fear.
We must cherish all the goodness now and do it well.
So when the end of the mortal destiny.
We are happy to face the word Death.
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