To some it's weird, crazy imaginations and unbelievable seeing spirits of a depart one but it's true.
I was eight years old when my grandmother got very ill. Since she needs our support and care we stop schooling for awhile. From Iligan City we traveled to Siquijor province where she live and it's also the hometown of my mother. There I saw how she suffered a lot from lung cancer. Indeed I could felt her hardship.
Despite of that I and my brother enjoyed playing games and even swimming in the sea with our relatives since the place was near. We even went boating and catching sea creatures. We also went to school there as a visitor to refresh our memory while staying for a month. In my mind I still hoping that she could survived and live longer.
I was used before to sleep during the afternoon so during the night I could sleep late. Until one midnight when my eyes opened and saw someone chasing my grandmother in a form of a shadow and it seems she was a woman. Another came out of the room, a male going down the stairs since the house was a two story. I even heard someone preparing a glass of milk. Yes, I didn't see that but my mind could feel. If only I had the guts to discover everything maybe I had the chanced to knew them. Well, I was not the only one experienced but also my mother. She told me that it was the spirit of the parents of my grandmother who visited her.
Courage is one thing in which we can save lives. Because of my great astonishment I closed my eyes and fall asleep. I dreamed that someone instructed me to go in the nearby seashore. A certain plant grown there. I was told to pulled leaves and applied in the body of my grandmother. Maybe If I've done those her life will be lengthened but due to my fears I failed. When I wake up in the morning I asked my uncle about
what I saw. He only laughed and said it's only a trick of the mind.
My mother said then if ever it happened again I will never revealed to anybody until the task is
being done.