I am been blessed being part of the true church here on earth, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As a human being not a perfect one have the tendency to feel desperate towards every negative aspects. But could say must accept for what is seen or heard are predicted since the ancient times by the prophets of old.
There is always a reminder or protocol, "he who prepares to fail prepares to fail. Repent, for the time is nigh at hand." Tremors of wars are everywhere fighting between forces just to gain sovereignty or power. Many are afflicted or affected especially young ones. As a common citizen in my society the face of collapsed engulf my senses because at my stage still incompatible for not yet stable in any aspect of life.
We should learn a lesson. Wickedness indeed brings misery. In everything each of us must in tune with the Holy Spirit for our guidance and comfort. This is a substle stage where no one in perfect.
Satan or the Devil is here on earth too. He wants us to be like him a miserable man. He creates tactics to entice us to be in bondage and be a prisoner forever.
I am not persuading anybody to believe just have to express what been inside my senses.